Foreign minister Margot wallstrom

Israel denounced remarks by Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom, after she accused Israel of carrying out "extrajudicial executions" against Palestinians, Arutz Sheva‎ reported on Sunday.

In Stockholm on Friday, speaking to members of parliament, Wallstrom condemned the knife attacks but also criticized Israel's response.

"I condemn the knife attacks. I think they are horrendous and they mustn't be allowed to happen, and Israel always has the right to defend itself, to ensure its security," Wallstrom told the Swedish MPs.

"And likewise, the response must not be of the kind - and this is what I say in other situations where the response is such that it results in extrajudicial executions or is disproportionate in that the number of people killed on that side exceeds the original number of deaths many times over."

Emmanuel Nahshon, a spokesman for Israel's foreign ministry, said later, "The declaration is scandalous, untruthful, impudent and detached from reality.

Friday’s comments, however, were not the first time that Wallstrom has criticized Israel.

Several weeks ago, the Swedish minister provoked a firestorm of criticism, when she appeared to blame the terrorist attacks in Paris on "Palestinian frustration" with Israel.

Sources: MENA