North Korea

Foreign and defense ministers from Japan and Britain vowed here on Friday to enhance bilateral security cooperation and condemned the latest nuclear test by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) earlier this week.

According to a joint statement after the Japan-British "two plus two" meeting involving the ministers, the two sides condemned the DPRK's first hydrogen bomb test held on Wednesday and saw the move as a "serious threat" to international community.

The two sides also mulled to seek a new UN resolution against the DPRK. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Thursday discussed the issue with U.S. President Barack Obama planning to take the lead with the United States on adopting the new resolution.

On bilateral security ties, the ministers agreed to accelerate their talks for the early conclusion of an acquisition and cross-servicing agreement, which will enable the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and the British military to share supplies and transportation services during U.N. peacekeeping operations.

They also agreed to make progress on jointly studying on missile technology and defense equipment, including protection suits for chemical and biological weapons, said the statement.

Source: XINHUA