terrorist attack that targeted a wedding ceremony in the southern Turkish city of Gaziantep

Jordan condemned the terrorist attack that targeted a wedding ceremony in the southern Turkish city of Gaziantep on Saturday.

Jordanian Minister of State for Media Affairs Mohammad Momani said this cowardly attack is new proof of the obscurantism of these terrorist organizations, forces of darkness and their hostilities and hatred toward humanity and life.

Momani, who is also the government spokesperson, renewed his country's call for concerted regional and international efforts to fight terrorism and root out the ideologies of forces of darkness that target civilians in the region and the world. 

He recalled the Amman hotel bombings in 2005, saying that " We in Jordan have also suffered such heinous acts, where terrorists also targeted a wedding reception killing and injuring dozens of innocent people." 

The minister renewed Jordan's firm and constant support to Turkey in fighting terrorism. He also extended the government's condolences to Turkey and wished the injured a speedy recovery. 

Source: MENA