Israeli authorities which allowed extremists to storm Al Aqsa Mosque

Jordanian Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Wael Arabiyat deplored Monday the violations committed by the Israeli authorities which allowed extremists to storm Al Aqsa Mosque.

In a statement issued by Awqaf Ministry on Monday, Arabiyat stressed his rejection to the storming of Al Aqsa Mosque by 400 settlers on Sunday under protection of Israeli police.

He condemned also storming the holy mosque Monday dawn by the Israeli police as well as 27 settlers.

The minister underlined that arresting the worshipers and beating them are considered a challenge to all Muslims and flagrant violation of international conventions.

Arabiyat warned that continuing such practices will lead to the eruption of a religious war in the region, which Jordanian King Abdullah II warned from.

He called on the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the United Nations (UN) to exercise pressure on the occupation authorities to stop the ongoing violations.

Source ; MENA