Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman chairs the weekly Cabinet meeting in Riyadh

Saudi Arabia on Monday expressed strong condemnation of the attack launched by Houthi militias on a civilian vessel of the United Arab Emirates near Aden.

The ship was on a routine voyage to transport humanitarian assistance to Yemen and take injured civilians to the UAE for medical treatment.
The Cabinet described the behavior as terrorist and jeopardizing international navigation at Bab Al-Mandab in contravention of international navigation regulations, as well as against international and regional efforts being exerted to send relief assistance to Yemen to alleviate the sufferings of the sisterly Yemeni people.
The Cabinet also denounced the raids targeting the Syrian city of Allepo, killing hundreds of innocent civilians, including children, the elderly and women, and welcomed the UN Human Rights Council’s resolution issued at the end of its 33rd session in Geneva which denounced the continuation of the wide-range flagrant and systematic violations in Syria committed by the Syrian regime and affiliated militias.
The Council of Ministers also condemned the explosions that took place in front of a mosque and a conference center in Germany, confirming the Kingdom’s firm position in calling for the importance of respecting all divine religions and human beliefs and its rejection of all criminal acts.
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman briefed the Cabinet on the telephone call he received from Sudanese President Omar Bashir who thanked the Kingdom for the great services provided to pilgrims during the Umrah and Hajj seasons.
The Cabinet was also briefed on a review of the 15th Ministerial Conference of the International Energy Forum held in Algiers from 26 to 27/12/1437 H, and expressed satisfaction with its outcome and the continuation of cooperation, coordination and discussion among countries producing and consuming energy, and relevant companies and international organizations, as well as with the forum's focus on dialogue to stabilize the market in short and long terms.
The Cabinet was also briefed on the results of the 170th OPEC meeting, which was held in Algeria on 27/12/1437 H. It tackled capping the production of the organization, with the aim of reducing production and restoring stability to the global oil market, and expressed hope that cooperation between OPEC and non-OPEC producers will continue to work together to achieve benefits for both producing and consuming countries.
The Cabinet stressed that the Kingdom is keen to see the international oil market stable, in the interest of producing and consuming countries alike, as well as to the benefit of the oil industry and the global economy, and is ready to contribute to any collective action to achieve this goal.
Minister of Culture and Information Adel Al-Toraifi said in statements to the media that the Cabinet reiterated that the Kingdom welcomes the initial report by the Yemeni National Investigation Committee of Aug. 15, which rejects the UN High Commissioner's call to form an international commission of inquiry.
The Kingdom, the Cabinet said, appreciates that the work of the Yemeni National Investigation Committee is one of the most important guarantees of impunity and accountability.
The Cabinet also highlighted the important role Saudi Arabia plays in the field of humanitarian and relief aid, including that provided by King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid to people affected in the field of food security, shelter, health, water and environmental health, nutrition, education, protection and early recovery and logistic services in more than 30 countries across the world, including Yemen and Syria, as part of the center's 118 programs. The Cabinet was later briefed on its agenda, including some earlier reviewed by the Shoura Council. The Cabinet issued the following decisions:
Upon recommendations of the Population Growth Follow Up Committee, set up by the Council of Economic Affairs and Development, led by the deputy crown prince, the Cabinet added senior members to the committee representing the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Housing and the Statistics Department, assigned the committee to analyze the population’s situation in the Kingdom, including its components, trends, variations of geographical distribution, urbanization and forward periodical reports on the population situation, and transferred the populations growth follow-up issue to the National Committee on Inhabitants which would update the policy document within six month before forwarding it to the king for accreditation.
After review of the report submitted by the finance minister together with recommendations of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs, the Cabinet approved the following:
Upon designing their projects, government agencies have to use area cooling technology under certain conditions including that the projects should be new; demand on cooling requirements be over 15,000 tons of cooling; and that sufficient water be available in the area where the project will be set up.
The Saudi Energy Efficiency Center and the Electricity and Cogeneration Regulatory Authority will jointly revise the above conditions and criteria and update them, if required.
The Cabinet approved the import of the Palestinian goods and products with the government bearing customs duties related to these goods.
The Cabinet authorized the minister of health, or whomever he authorizes, to discuss with South Africa on a memo of understanding between the Saudi Health Ministry and its counterpart in South Africa for cooperation in the health field.
The Cabinet authorized the foreign minister, or whomever he authorizes, to discuss with Chadi on a general agreement for cooperation between the governments of Saudi Arabia and Chad.
The Cabinet authorized the minister of environment, water and agriculture, or whomever he authorizes, to discuss with Georgia on a draft agreement for cooperation in agriculture, animal husbandry, fishery resources, forests, and national parks between the governments of Saudi Arabia and Georgia.

Source: Arab News