Emir Sabah al-Ahmad

Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah sent a cable to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, expressing his condolences and sympathy over the victims of the blast that hit Istanbul on Tuesday, KUNA news agency reported.

The explosion that struck the Sultanahmet tourist site in the city on Tuesday, left several people dead and injured.

Wishing speedy recovery for the injured, the Kuwaiti Emir reiterated Kuwait's strong denunciation and condemnation of the "criminal act" that targeted innocent people, saying it contradicts heavenly religions and human values.

He also expressed Kuwait's support for all the measures Ankara takes to counter such acts of terrorism that target the Turkish security and stability.

He renewed Kuwait's stance that rejects all forms of terrorism, and backs the international community's fight against it.

Source: MENA