Lebanon's PM Tammam Salam

Lebanon's Prime Minister Tammam Salam contacted on Thursday via phone Vice President of the United Arab Emirates and Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum condemning the attack against the embassy of UAE in Sana'a Yemen three days ago, the National News Agency reported.

The United Arab Emirates Embassy building was occupied on August 17 by Houthi militias in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa.

The embassy takeover comes as Yemeni loyalists backed by the UAE and Saudi Arabia continue advance against rebels in several southern provinces as well as in the country's third city of Taez, that is seen as a gateway to the rebel-held capital.

The UAE shut its embassy in Sanaa and announced it would open another in the southern city Aden, which was the scene of intense fighting between local government supporters and the rebels, before the former retook the city in mid-July.