Organization islamic cooperation

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) strongly condemned the rocket attack Sunday on the UN peace keepers' camp in Kidal, northern Mali resulting in the death of two members of the Guinean contingent, a civilian, and the injuring of fourteen others.

The Secretary General Iyad Ameen Madani who denounced the assault on the soldiers, attributed this reprehensible act to the enemies of peace who have no place in the current dispensation when all hands are on deck to implement the Algiers Peace Agreement.

Madani appealed to all Malians, especially the parties signatories to the peace accord, to step up their efforts towards this objective as a way of exposing those working to sabotage the peace process.

The Secretary General conveyed his condolences to Mali and Guinea as well as the families of the victims and reiterated the determination of the OIC to continue to contribute to the return of durable peace and sustainable development to the regions of north Mali.

Sources: MENA