Organization of Islamic Cooperation

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Secretary General Iyad Madani has strongly condemned the Israeli crimes committed against Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories, especially the holy city of al-Quds.

In a statement released on Wednesday, OIC denounced the brutal crimes committed by Jewish extremists against Palestinian civilians which claimed the lives of more than 28 people and injured scores of others since the onset of clashes in early October.

The statement considered the Israeli crimes a flagrant violation of Geneva Four Agreements and international humanitarian law.

It considered the recent decision of the Israeli knesset which allows opening fire at Palestinians in the occupied city of al-Quds an official campaign for the criminal acts against Palestinians, holding the Israeli occupation government responsible for the escalation of tensions which further fuel criminal acts.

OIC also said it will follow up the decision taken by the organization's foreign ministers and support a move by the Islamic group at the UN to hold an emergency meeting for the UN Security Council as soon as possible.

Also, the Islamic group in Geneva will ask the Human Rights Council to convene an urgent meeting to discuss the Israeli violations against Palestinians and the atrocities committed against Islamic holy sites in al-Quds.

Source: MENA