Israeli escalations in al-Quds

Palestinian Foreign Ministry has condemned the Israeli escalations in al Quds including replacing some Arabic street names by Hebrew ones in a bid to change the city's Arab and Islamic identity.

In a statement, the ministry said the Israeli forces still pull down houses in the Old City to force the inhabitants of al Quds to leave the City.

The bid to change the names of streets from their Arabic and Islamic originals to Hebrew ones is part and parcel of the attempt to seek to change the identity of the city, the foreign ministry added.

The Israeli war on al Quds is in contradiction with the international law and Geneva agreements that commit Israel to respecting the will of the people of the lands it occupies.

The ministry called on the UN Security Council to rein in the Israeli targeting of the Holy City and take all necessary action to hold Israel accountable for its violation of international law.

Source: MENA