senseless act of terror and hate in Orlando, Florida

In the wake of the deadly mass shooting in US on Sunday, the Palestinian Prime Minister, Rami Hamdallah denounced the act of terror in which 50 people have been killed and 53 injured.

“The  Government of Palestine condemns this senseless act of terror and hate in Orlando, Florida,” Hamdallah said in an official statement.

“Our heartfelt condolences to all the grieving families, relatives and friends of the victims. Palestinians stand with the American people in this difficult time,” he added.

The shooting at Pulse gay nightclub was carried by an American-born man, Omar Mateen, who’d pledged allegiance to Daesh (IS).

U.S. authorities claimed that the shooting is the “deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.”

According to BBC, Omar’s ex-wife, Sitora Yusufiy, had said Omar was “disturbed,” and that her family “rescued” her from the relationship when they became aware that he was being physically abusive.

“When he would get in his tempers, he would express hate toward everything. He was mentally unstable and mentally ill: that’s the only explanation that I could give.”

He was shot dead at the scene.


Source ; PNN