The Palestinian Foreign Ministry

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry deplored on Wednesday the Israeli government's policy that aims to Judaize Al Quds through expansion in establishing more settlements in Palestine.

The Israeli settlement policy undermines any negotiations to reach a just solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and thwarts any attempts exerted to resume the peace process, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Also, the Foreign Ministry decried the Israeli destruction of a number of Palestinians' houses in a number of towns in Al Quds for establishing a Jewish national park and relocating a raft of Jewish settlers, the statement added.

The Israeli government's practices aim to complete the Judaization of Al Quds and change its Arab identity, the statement read. 

The Israeli government, under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, exploits the absence of deterrent international response to expand in setting up further settlements in Al Quds and committing more crimes and violations, according to the statement.

Source ; MENA