Yemen attacks

Speaker of the Arab Parliament has strongly condemned the assassination of the Governor of Aden, Jafar Mohammad Saad, and six of his guards in a terrorist attack on Sunday.

In a statement, Ali Mohammed Al Jarwan said, "Such vicious terrorist attacks that kill Yemeni civilians in cold blood undermine security to serve foreign and regional agendas."

These acts, he said, will not discourage Yemeni heroes and their brothers in the Arab Coalition forces from restoring hope and security to Yemen.

The speaker of the pan-Arab parliament praised the efforts made by the late governor to serve his country during the operations conducted by the Coalition to restore legitimacy to Yemen and defeat the terrorist rebel militias of the Houthis and ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

He also offered his deep condolences to the leaders and people of Yemen and the families of the victims of the attack.
Source: WAM