Russian President Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday “strongly condemned” the “barbaric” attack in Brussels.

Putin has expressed his condolences to King Philippe of Belgium and the Belgian people over Tuesday’s terrorist attacks in Brussels, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

“President Putin has already offered his condolences to King Philippe of Belgium over death of civilians in a series of explosions in Brussels. The president strongly condemned the barbaric crimes that have been committed,” said the Kremlin spokesman adding that Putin had confirmed ” the full solidarity of Russians with the Belgians in these difficult hours”.

“This barbaric crime, which cannot be justified, confirms once again that terrorism has no borders and poses a threat to people across the globe. The Russian president voiced confidence that the murderers and their accomplices would get the punishment they deserve, offered his sympathy to relatives and friends of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to those injured,” Peskov said.

Two explosions tore through Brussels airport on Tuesday morning and a further blast struck a metro station in the capital shortly afterwards.

Twenty-one people were killed in the attacks, Belgian firefighters said.

Source : MENA