raids of Assad's forces on Aleppo

Saudi Arabia expressed condemnation and denunciation of attacks waged by Basher al-Assad's forces on the city of Aleppo, which led to the destruction of a hospital, run by an international organization, that killed dozens, including children and doctors, SPA quoted an official source at the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs as saying on Friday.

He added that this terrorist act ignores the cessation of hostilities agreement and is contrary to international laws and ethical principles of humanity, as it seeks to pre-empt international efforts to reach a political solution to the crisis and to prevent deliverance of humanitarian aid to Syrian brotherly people.

By committing this criminal act, Bashar al-Assad underlines the lack of seriousness, in responding to the demands of the international community and proved that he is not serious, in moving in the ongoing talks to resolve the Syrian crisis peacefully, in accordance with the principles of the Geneva 1 and UN Security Council Resolution 2254, he commented.

Saudi Arabia called on the international community and allies of Bashar al-Assad who have committed to the cessation of hostilities; to take necessary measures to stop these attacks and all crimes committed by Bashar al-Assad and his aides against the Syrian brotherly people.

Source : MENA