The social networking website, Twitter

The social networking website, Twitter, witnessed a wave of tweets condemning a ballistic missile attack by Houthi militia from Saada in the direction of Taif, near Makkah, on Sunday.

Muslims from all Islamic countries expressed their rejection, in tweets, of attack on regions near the holy sites. They said that this attack has targeted all Muslims. Hashtags of #HouthisStrikeMakkah and #Taif_is_fine trended internationally after the Saudi-led coalition confirmed the news of the attack. 
All commenters using these hashtags said that this crime, targeting the Makkah region, is a evidence of the crimes of the Houthis and militias supporting Ali Abdullah Saleh who have no degree of morality and humanity.
Khalid Al-Yafei, a Yemeni political activist, said that this attack means the Houthis would target all Muslims, while the Houthi coup against the legitimate government in Yemen shows that they would implement plans to kill and terrorize Muslims.
Sultan Al-Qahtani, a public relations activist, said that the Houthi crime in targeting Makkah is clear evidence of their warcrimes, but “we, as a people, will stand against them and stop their crimes.”
Sheikh Jamal bin Attaf Al-Keldah, chief of the Bin Attaf Yemeni tribe, said that the rebels bombed a relief ship in Bab Al-Mandab Strait. Their missiles also indiscriminately targeted inhabited areas. However, they become angry when the United Nations condemns their acts.
Salim Al-Shaibani, a Saudi writer and media adviser, posed the question to all Muslims: “Do you know the distance between the site where the missile fell in Taif, and Makkah?” It is only 40 km, he said, wondering about Houthis’ goals in targeting these areas.
Haifa Al-Zahrani, a Saudi woman working in the media, said that the end of the Houthis is near. They will be defeated within a few months by the Saudi-led coalition. 
Saad Jabbar, a Saudi also working in the media, said it is necessary to organize an urgent Islamic meeting to support the Kingdom as the Houthis would target the Makkah region. He stressed the fact that Iranian officials had previously said they would strike Makkah. Muslims must confront them in their own homes, he added.
In hashtaq “Taif_is_fine,” most twitter users thanked and appreciated the heroes of the Saudi Royal Air Force who have proved the highest degree of efficiency and excellence in intercepting Houthi missiles. Thy said that all cities of the Kingdom enjoy safety and security.

Source: Arab News