Arab league

UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash has strongly criticized Iran's and Turkey's interference in Arab affairs.

Such 'stark' interference has negatively affected the stability in several Arab countries, he added during the opening session of the emergency meeting of the Arab foreign ministers, which was held Thursday to discuss Turkish intervention in Iraq.

The sovereignty of the Arab countries is a red line that should be defended with all strength, he went on to say.

He also said that the Arab League and the UN charters render respecting regional sovereignty as a cornerstone in sound relations among all countries.

All countries should maintain cooperation and entrench confidence based on preserving joint interests and respecting sovereignty of each country, he added.

Today's meeting represents a good opportunity to urge all Arab countries to abide by these principles, especially that what is suffered by Iraq is suffered by other Arab countries, he added.

The principle of respecting regional sovereignty is a general principle that cannot be divided, he affirmed.

On December 4, Turkey deployed about 150 troops and 25 tanks to the Bashiqa camp in the northern Iraqi province, without Baghdad’s approval, allegedly as part of an international mission to train and equip Iraqi forces to fight Daesh terrorist group.

The move caused tensions between Baghdad and Ankara. Iraq officially filed a complaint with the UN Security Council, calling on the United Nations to ensure an immediate pullout of the Turkish forces from its country.

On Saturday, the Turkish Foreign Ministry announced that Ankara would continue to withdraw its military troops from the Bashiqa base to another base in Iraq.

Source: MENA