UK Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood

UK Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood condemned the Israeli authorities' decision for a further 323 settlement units in occupied East Jerusalem.

In a statement, Ellwood, said “The UK condemns the Israeli authorities’ decision to issue tenders for a further 323 settlement units in East Jerusalem. This follows recent development of plans for 770 new units in the Jerusalem suburbs.”

“As set out in the Quartet report, settlement activity is counterproductive and undermines progress towards a two-state solution. This announcement comes on the back of an alarming increase in demolitions of Palestinian houses throughout 2016, including in East Jerusalem,” he added.

“These steps are the latest examples of what seems to be an acceleration of a systematic policy of illegal settlement expansion and demolition of Palestinian property. Along with our international partners, we call on Israel to halt all demolitions and settlement activities,” he concluded.

Source : MENA