UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday condemned the attack on Camp Hurriya, near the Baghdad International Airport of Iraq, which left at least 26 residents dead and many more wounded, said a statement of the secretary-general's spokesman.

The attack, which occurred Thursday, reportedly also caused casualties among the Iraqi Security Forces in the vicinity of the camp, according to the statement.

While urging the government of Iraq to promptly investigate the incident and bringing the perpetrators to justice, stressing "there can be no impunity for such attacks," Ban reminded the Iraqi government of its responsibility to provide for the safety and security of the Camp's residents.

While reiterating the commitment of the United Nations to facilitate a humanitarian solution for the residents of Camp Hurriya, Ban called on the Iraqi government and international stakeholders to accelerate the relocation process as the only safe and durable solution for the residents.

Camp Hurriya, also known as Camp Liberty, houses more than 2,100 Iranian exiles. The inhabitants of the camp are staying there while the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) carries out a process to determine their refugee status before resettling them outside of the country, in line with an agreement signed in 2011 between the UN and the Iraqi Government.

Source: XINHUA