UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

The United Nations Security Council on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attack by the Daesh terrorist group on al-Qudaih mosque in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia.

In a statement, the members of the Council expressed their deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims of this heinous act, and to the Government of Saudi Arabia.

They reiterated that “Daesh must be defeated and that the intolerance, violence and hatred it espouses must be stamped out.”

The Council members, in their statement, further emphasized that rather than being intimidated by such continued acts of barbarism perpetrated by Daesh, they have stiffened their resolve that there has to be a common effort amongst governments and institutions, including those in the region most affected, to counter Daesh, Ansar Al Shari’a entities, and all other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with Al-Qaida.

Underlining the need to bring perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of these reprehensible acts of terrorism to justice, the Council urged all states, in accordance with their obligations under international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, to actively cooperate with Saudi authorities in this regard.