
The UN Security Council expressed serious concern over the attack on the American University of Afghanistan that killed 16 people, including eight students.

The 15-nation council "condemned in the strongest terms" the "heinous and cowardly" terrorist attack on August 24 in Kabul, targeting students of the American University of Afghanistan.

In a press statement the council reaffirmed their "serious concern" at the threats posed by the taliban, al-Qaeda, ISIS group and illegal, armed groups to the local population, National Defence and Security Forces and the international presence in Afghanistan. "The members of the Security Council underlined the need to bring perpetrators, organisers, financiers and sponsors of these reprehensible acts of terrorism to justice, and urged all states to cooperate actively with the Afghan authorities in this regard," the statement said. 

The council reiterated that no violent or terrorist acts can reverse the Afghan-led process along the path towards peace, democracy and stability in Afghanistan. The attack resulted in the death of 16 people, including eight students from the university, and 50 people injured, including 36 students.

Source : XINHUA