The United Nations peacekeeping mission in Mali

The United Nations peacekeeping mission in Mali strongly condemned the attack against a military camp and its checkpoints in Nampala, in the central part of the country. 
According to a UN spokesperson, even though the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the country (MINUSMA) does not operate in the area of Nampala, the Mission mobilized major aerial reconnaissance and medical resources, in coordination with the Malian authorities, in response to the attack
Speaking after the attack, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Mali and head of MINUSMA, Mahamet Saleh Annadif, presented his condolences to the families of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to the wounded. 
He stressed the need for all Malian parties to work together to prevent terrorist organisations from taking advantage of the situation to derail the peace process.

Source : QNA