UN Security

The UN Security Council on Wednesday "strongly deplored" a terrorist attack on a Jordanian border guard post that left six security officials killed and 14 others injured.

The post attacked on Tuesday was dedicated for serving Syrian refugees who were trying to enter Jordan.

More than 50,000 Syrian refugees are stranded at the post as Jordan discovered a large number of them were members of the Islamic State terrorist group and the majority of them came from areas controlled by the terrorist movement in Syria.

The council in a statement reaffirmed grave concern over terrorism in Syria and stressed the need to take measures to prevent and suppress the financing of terrorism, terrorist organizations and individual terrorists.

The council appreciated Jordan's role in the international effort to counter the Islamic State and terrorists affiliated with it and urged all states to cooperate with Jordan and other relevant authorities to bring perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of acts of terrorism to justice.

source : xinhua