Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova

Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, today denounced the killing of journalist Osama Jumaa in the city of Aleppo on 5 June.

“I condemn the killing of Osama Jumaa,” the Director-General said. “I call on all parties in the conflict to respect the Geneva Conventions on the civilian status of journalists and their right to exercise their profession”, according to the UNESCO website on Monday.

Jumaa was killed when artillery fire hit an ambulance in which he was being treated for injuries sustained while covering the bombing of a residential neighborhood of Aleppo. Jumaa had been working for Images Live, a British photo agency.

The Director-General of UNESCO issues statements on the killing of media workers in line with Resolution 29 adopted by UNESCO Member States at the Organization’s General Conference of 1997, entitled “Condemnation of Violence against Journalists.” These statements are posted on a dedicated webpage, UNESCO condemns the killing of journalists.

Source : MENA