United nations

The U.N. Security Council on Monday strongly condemned an attack on the Saudi embassy in Tehran and its consulate in Mashhad by angry protesters, according to Alarabiya.

Expressing “deep concern” over the attacks, the council “called on the Iranian authorities to protect diplomatic and consular property and personnel, and to respect fully their international obligations in this regard.”

Council members urged the sides to “maintain dialogue and take steps to reduce tension in the region.”

Saudi Ambassador Abdallah al Mouallimi earlier urged the council to “take all appropriate measures to ensure the inviolability of diplomatic facilities and the protection of all Saudi diplomats in Iran.”

Riyadh also defended the execution of 47 men including Nimr, saying in a letter to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon that they were “granted fair and just trials without any consideration to their intellectual, racial or sectarian affiliation.”

Source: MENA

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