The Yemeni Foreign Ministry

The Yemeni Foreign Ministry deplored a recent decision by US President Donald Trump banning citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the US even if holding a valid visa or green card.

In statements to the Yemeni news agency Sabaa on Monday, a well-placed source at the Yemeni Foreign Ministry said Yemen tops the list of states suffering from terror and is waging a war against it to defend its national security and people's prosperity.

The source said Yemen has been one of the victims of terror and is aware that the US has to maintain its security, but Sanaa regretted Washington travel ban on Yemenis even if it was temporary.

The source said such decisions buttress the extremists' position, noting that interaction and dialogue are the only way for Yemen and the US to work together against extremism.

Yemen is looking forward to cooperating with the new US Administration, especially to defeat terror.

Source: MENA