President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi

Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi on Sunday said there are certain forces that do not wish peace and concord for Aden and Yemen and are doing their best, using their "cheap tools, to break peace in a bid to cause confusion.

He said these forces are "doomed to fail" and the will of the Yemeni people will prevail to expose what he described as "ugly obscurantist faces" and any parties backing them.

The Yemeni president was speaking at an emergency meeting with Yemeni executive, security and military commanders. At the meeting, he instructed the officials to shoulder their responsibilities for establishing security and stability in cooperation with "all good people."

"People of the governorate of Aden made great sacrifices and defeated the armed rebel militias of the Houthi group and the ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh. Aden rejects any foreign groups and ideology that is outlandish for our country and society," the Yemeni president added.

Earlier yesterday, the governor of Aden, Major General Jaafar Mohammad Saad, and six of his bodyguards were killed in a car bombing in the southern Yemeni city.
Source: WAM