Amal Ayash

Amal Ayash, Yemeni journalist, specialized in cultural and artistic in Eden, revealed that the theater in Aden emptied of its function, where its musical teams scattered, and its members among the civil teams, and glories of the past. She added that the folk dance troupe that adorned magazine covers became from the past, with the exception of memories enshrined in Eden's cultural icon.

Ayash explained, in interview with Arabs Today, that the community forums are still engaged in weekly cultural activities.
She pointed out that millions of riyals were spent for dancing performances in the streets for only two hours a day, saying that in 2012, 43 million were spent for a simple ceremony in Haqqat, and in 2016, 26 million or more were reported in the memory of the 30 November Revolution from the Heritage and Cultural Development Fund in Aden.

She added that millions of riyals are spent on national occasions, in the name of the homeland and by exploiting the efforts of the leading musicians and playwrights, indicating that Aden did not benefit, nor the artists benefited, or received the salary they hoped to fill their need for living.

Ayash pointed out that millions should be spent on the real artists, through building a theater suitable for the history of Eden theater, the rehabilitation of its theaters, and rehabilitation of the infrastructure of cultural and creative centers in Aden.
She indicated that the Heritage and Cultural Development Fund has become the property of Aden, because it is one of the exploits of the late Mr. Hafez Aubli and the Assistant Professor Mohammed Al-Shazly, in the follow-up and transfer of the Fund's revenues to Aden, to restore Aden to its golden history, and to revive the infrastructure of the ancient heritage and history of the city.

She wished to see the state of culture in Aden, other than the situation they live in, calling for reforming the state of culture instead of deceiving those who are in charge of sincere words about achievements.
Ayash concluded by hoping that the correction would take place for many realities, and to make a qualitative shift to cultural work.