Egyptian accessories designer reveals secrets of her collections

The Egyptian accessories designer, Dalia Hossam, revealed secrets of her new collection of jewelries and gemstones which have earned the artists' impressive, saying that she uses various types of ornaments using pearl and the traditional materials .

Hossam added, in interview with Arabs Today, that she designed accessories for the media host Bossi Shalabi, actress Elham Shahin, and actress Dora. She added that Shalabi chose number of accessories of her last collection that fit with the atmosphere of Luxor Festival, pointing out that the tastes of the artists are different, some of them likes simple designs but in finally the nature of their job and their work is that control their choices.

Regarding the colors of her precious stones, Hossam said that she mixed in her designs different range of colors to make distinctive designs of the Bedouin heritage.