Egyptian poet Ahmed Fouad Negm

Egyptian poet Ahmed Fouad Negm Amman – Arab Today Egyptian poet Ahmed Fouad Negm said he visits Amman “to breathe freedom,” because Jordan under the leadership of King Abdullah II is the \"country of freedom\" and \"Jordanian people are kind and generous.\" In a press conference on Tuesday, organised by the culture and arts management of the Jerash Festival, Negm said that his evening of poetry on Wednesday will be held in the main festival hall where he will deliver a poem dedicated to Jordan. The poet addressed the different titles that have been given to him over the years including \"Ambassador of the Poor\", \"Father of the Egyptians,\" stressing that the one closest to his heart was \"Egypt\'s darling.\" Negm also said the Palestinian cause lies in the heart of every Egyptian, and Egyptian people will not forget Palestine, adding that keeping a noble word these days is like holding a piece of hot coal in the hand. Around 200 poets and singers, as well as local, Arab and foreign folk troupes are scheduled to participate in the June 26-July 7 festival. According to organisers, poetry will be given special prominence this year. The Jerash Festival will also include a handicraft market showcasing over 140 traditional and artistic crafts.