Armored Brigade Taher Mus'ad Aqla

The commander of the 7th Battalion in the 33rd Armored Brigade Taher Mus'ad Aqla revealed today how cash money was stored on its way from Aden to Sana'a in Dhala province during, their patrol last, Saturday. He said the money was loaded with three cars, which are guarded by military force from the region.

Aqla said that the cars were seized, and the accompanying force was asked:What are you carrying? They once answered funerals to Maris! They said also money for the Red Cross and they answered latest that the cars carrying funds 650 million for Sana'a and that the three bullet-proof vehicles carrying the emblem of the Red Cross and international organizations.

Al-Aqla said that Colonel Nasser Muthanna Ali Abu Omar, commander of the eighth battalion in the camp of martyr Mohammed Massad Aqla, was next to him during the detention. Al-Aqla confirmed that the authorities of Dhalia, Aden and Lahj. "They replied that they did not know them and I connected with one of the ministers and a deputy minister and informed them that there is money smuggled to Sana'a has been seized and we do not know how it came out without a legal way," he stated.

Aqla explained that a committee was formed from Brigadier General Ali Muqbel Saleh, commander of the 33rd brigade and the director of the fortification Ali Qassim Musleh, Sheikh Walid Al Dalea, Shaker Al-Badashi, Bakil Muthanna Naji and Hamada Al-Dhala, and figures in Dhalia to release the cars and bring it back to Aden Bank.

He stressed that the statement of Fadl Hassan, commander of the fourth military region, is baseless, pointing out that the money does not have those who hold documents or papers prove that the amounts for unknown destinations.

Al-Aqla described these things as serious and that the money, which reaches more than a million Yemeni riyals, is not affiliated with Karimi, but it is following the joint gangs between Sana'a and Aden, who seeking to create a crisis in Aden.

He added that the drivers do not know where the money and for who? When they are interrogated, how will you deal with your arrival when you are subject to the Houthis? They said they agreed with them and that they had passed two payments. "No one knew and no one had detained us," they said.

Al-Aqla strongly condemned what happened on Monday from an explosion in the north of Dhala, demanding an investigation and the prosecution of those who planted the bombs and interrogated them to get their punishment.