Expert Janet Hekman

Executive Director of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Janet Hekman said that the bank’s Green Economy Financing Facility works to increase awareness of the importance of green economy investments, saying that the Egyptian government benefits from the bank’s experiences in this regard.

She added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the bank works currently to increase its investment in Egypt during the current year, saying that they will focus on supporting the projects of the private sector and small and medium projects. She added that the bank intends to pay $ 144 million to support the investment projects during the coming period.

She added that the bank currently works to cooperate with a number of Egyptian banks to provide financial lines to the small and medium projects. She added that they cooperate with three international institutions to support their program, including French Agency of Development, European Bank of Investment and European Union.

She stressed that Egypt enjoys huge capabilities during the current period, stressing that they give priority to the small and medium projects in addition to other projects related to the renewed energy and transportation. She stressed that the Egyptian economy is promising and will achieve notable progress during the coming period.

She expressed her appreciation to the efforts exerted by the Egyptian government during the recent period, saying that the recent decisions to liberate the currency’s exchange rate will perform a major role to support Egypt’s exportations and to attract more foreign investments in the near future.

She added that Egypt’s economy is expected to achieve growth by four percent during the current year due to the recent measures taken by the Egyptian government. She stressed that the country is on the right track to achieve notable progress on the economic side during the coming period.