Dr. Mohammad Moait

Deputy Minister of Finance for Public Treasury Affairs, Dr. Mohammad Moait, revealed that the economic reform measures put our economy on the right track, especially in importing less gas quantities compared to last year, while self-sufficiency will be achieved next year.
"There are positive signs of balance of payments and trade balance, despite difficult conditions, and we expect price stability, low inflation, gradual improvement in living conditions, income, unemployment and employment," Moait said in exclusive interview with Arabs Today.
He added that there is no intention to raise the price of the loaf, and its price will remain at 5 piasters.
Regarding health sector, Moait stressed that government intends to implement the comprehensive health insurance bill (CH, adding that the ministry has increased the proportion of state-funded treatment to 4.7 billion pounds next year, up from 3.6 billion last year, as health funds generally increased.

He explained that the government is trying to control the rise in prices because there are things that could affect them, by increasing production and activating control of markets.
Moait praised the increase in production and the control of markets during the month of Ramadan, adding that prices have stabilized significantly, with the supply of goods in the market as a result of efforts to provide commodity needs.
As for the impact of national projects on the public budget, he said that Egypt's population increases of more than 2.5 million people annually, and needs facilities, housing, education and health, as well as self-financing projects that do not represent a burden on the budget, including the new administrative capital. He explained that the number of private funds about 7630 funds, but the large funds up to about three thousand funds.
He revealed that the number of dues for developing the financial resources of the State included in the draft legal amendments are about 12 due proposed to be amended, and submitted to the parliament to approve it.

He added that the fees that will increase are fees on passport, mobile phone services, private cars, the application for citizenship, work permit, the residence of foreigners, and the license of the weapon.
Moait stressed that the ministry is required to increase expenditure on wages, pensions, investments, salaries, as well as financing health insurance and increasing support for petroleum and logistics materials.