Al Ain defeated Dubai 2-1 to collect three full points in the Etisalat Cup, Group A match, played at the Dubai Football ground on Friday. Al Ain got off to a stunning start in the 4th minute with Ignacio Scocco heading in a corner kick to put them in command with a 1-0 lead at the onset of the game. Taken aback by the surprise move, Dubai surged ahead with Abou Camara finding the gaps to beat the Al Ain defence time and again but without the support at the other wing, the attack did not count. Opportunity came by in the 9th minute for Dubai with Camara having to beat the keeper in the net but a hasty shot taken was wide off the mark failing to put Dubai back into the game. Dubai, strike force kept on the pressure to find the defence napping with Camara this time making no mistake to send the ball back into the nets to restore parity with a 1-1 scoreline in the 10th minute of the game. The game tied, both teams, attempted to outmatch their opponents with long range aerialpasses. The pressure got on to the players of both teams as the clock raced towards half time resulting in the hard fought attack Dubai, survived a scare in the 45th minute when Al Ain was awarded a penalty taken by Radoi. But a brilliant save by the Dubai keeper saved Dubai the half time pressure pangs. At no point the match looked dull and excitement prevailed inspite of the scores being tied. The Dubai squad were determined to increase the lead and attempted several forays in the rival zone with Camara and skipper Simon scripting moves which were well read by the Al Ain defence. Abdul Fayez and Salem Abdulla guarded the Al Ain nets tackling the dangerous strike force of Dubai. But the threat became a reality in the 56th minute with Yasser Al Qahtani slotting in a fumbled save by the Dubai keeper to put Al Ain  ahead with a 2-1 scoreline. Fares Juma attempted a long range shot into the stunned Dubai keeper, who failed to latch on to the ball which was well placed in by Qahtani in the box. Al Ain looked determined to snatch the game away from the Dubai lads and almost had the game taken away in the 72nd minute through Gyan, who dashed into the box, beating three defenders but a timely save by the keeper kept Dubai in contention. In the 84th minute Al Ain again missed with Yasser Qahtani’s rasping shot being deflected by the Dubai defenders. Dubai too had a fair chance to plough back but failed to get an edge over their strong rivals.