Catania twice came from behind to extend Fiorentina\'s winless run to four games in a 2-2 draw at the Stadio Artemio Franchi. The inspirational Stevan Jovetic put the Viola in front in the 20th minute and restored their advantage in the 62nd minute after Gennaro Delvecchio had levelled just before the break. Maxi Lopez was credited with the goal which earned Catania a deserved point in the 83rd minute, with Fiorentina coach Sinisa Mihajlovic letting the disappointment and emotions get the better of him as he was sent to the stands five minutes from time. The highly-rated Jovetic spent the whole of last season on the sidelines due to a serious knee injury and he has rarely looked the same player since returning this summer. However, it looked like the old Jovetic was back when he dribbled the ball to the edge of the area and then shot low into the far corner from 20 yards out for his third goal of the season in the 20th minute. The Montenegrin then had another shot saved after 35 minutes as his confidence seemed to be returning. Catania showed no lack of confidence, though, despite being a goal down. They almost levelled in the 41st minute when Andrea Catellani headed wide of goal from just six yards out and with just Artur Boruc to beat. Delvecchio then brought them level in the 43rd minute with his first goal of the season, smashing in the rebound from close range after his own header had been stopped on the line. Catellani missed another great chance early in the second half when he shot over before Cesare Natali showed why he is a defender and not a striker as he volleyed wide from near the penalty spot. Jovetic then reappeared to put Fiorentina ahead with another fine strike, this time from even further out and accurately curled into the top right-hand corner. But Catania are a side who never give up and they charged forward again, with Delvecchio forcing a fine reflex save out of Boruc from another corner in the 70th minute. Vincenzo Montella\'s side then grabbed a deserved equaliser when Pablo Barrientos\' shot struck the post and appeared to cross the goal-line before Manuel Pasqual cleared it. Maxi Lopez made sure there could be no doubts about the goal as he hammered in the loose ball to earn the Sicilians a point, with Mihajlovic\'s frustration getting the better of him as he was banished to watch the final five minutes from afar.