Inter Milan\'s Serie A season failed to take off once again as they were held to a 1-1 draw by Atalanta tonight. Wesley Sneijder put the Nerazzurri ahead in the 32nd minute, but German Denis levelled just before the interval for Stefano Colantuono\'s side. Denis missed a penalty late in the second half as Atalanta almost took all three points at the Stadio Atleti Azzurri d\'Italia - but the point keeps them one ahead of Inter, who remain just two points above the relegation zone. Former Atalanta striker Giampaolo Pazzini was left on the bench by Inter coach Claudio Ranieri, who preferred Mauro Zarate in his starting line-up, while Sneijder also made his starting return as he scored his first league goal of the season in the 32nd minute. Zarate set him up on the edge of the penalty area and the Dutchman\'s shot was aided by a deflection off Luca Cigarini to beat Andrea Consigli. Both Zarate and Sneijder were justifying Ranieri\'s choices as they led Inter\'s search for a second goal, but Atalanta levelled with practically their first shot of the game in the 43rd minute. Maximiliano Moralez sent in a cross which was headed in by Denis, who beat Christian Chivu to the ball. Diego Milito came close to putting Inter ahead again in the 74th minute when he was picked out in the area by Maicon, but his shot was saved by Consigli. The same two Inter players combined again in the 78th minute with Milito this time somehow missing with his chest from two yards out when it seemed easier to score. Inter were then given the chance to win it when Chivu fouled Guido Marilungo inside the penalty area in the 89th minute. However, Denis\' poorly-struck penalty was saved by the legs of Luca Castellazzi, saving Inter from yet another defeat this season.