Andre Ayew scored twice, but missed a penalty as Marseille recorded only their second win of a difficult Ligue 1 season as they inflicted a 2-0 defeat upon Ajaccio. The Ghanaian forward was twice denied by goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa after Johan Cavalli\'s handball gave Marseille a penalty in the 20th minute. Ayew missed the chance, but made amends on the half-hour mark after being set up by brother Jordan, and added a second shortly after half-time to make the game safe. The first chance fell to Ayew in the third minute when he headed Benoit Cheyrou\'s cross goalwards and Ochoa saved at the second attempt. Ochoa then denied Loic Remy, who was set up by Andre Ayew for a powerful volley, but Ajaccio responded and home keeper Steve Mandanda\'s poor punch was returned towards goal by Cavalli, only for his lob to drop on top of the bar. Cavalli was at fault, though, as Ayew was handed his chance from 12 yards, but Ochoa dived to save and then regained his balance to parry away the forward\'s follow-up header. He was beaten, though, when Cesar Azpilicueta\'s long throw was flicked on by Jordan Ayew for his elder brother to volley home. And it was 2-0 in the 49th minute, Mathieu Valbuena crossing for Andre Ayew to head home. Ochoa saved Jordan Ayew\'s drive before Nicolas Nkoulou\'s hesitation handed a chance at the other end to Ilan, who shot straight at Mandanda. A solo effort from Morgan Amalfitano drew another save from the excellent Ochoa, who then dived full length to keep out Andre-Pierre Gignac\'s rocket. Remy drew a last save from Ochoa in the closing stages, but the game was long since won.