A Brazil side shorn of its most recognisable stars secured a comfortable 2-0 win over Gabon in a friendly match in Libreville this evening. The hosts were celebrating the opening of the new Stade de l\'Amitie, but Brazil dominated possession from the outset. After only two minutes Jonas was close to opening the scoring after finding space, but he shot just wide. In the fifth minute Hulk had his chance after a fine pass by Adriano, but goalkeeper Didier Ovono did well to save it. However, in the 11th minute the Gabon resistance ended. The hosts failed to clear a corner-kick, Bruno Cesar crossed and Ovono could not catch the ball, opening things up for Sandro to score. Brazil\'s dominance increased after going in front as Hulk, Jonas and Hernanes all came close to scoring again, until, in the 32nd minute, Gabon had their first chance when a free-kick from Levy Madinda came back off the crossbar. Only two minutes after that Jonas shot from long range and Ovono parried it only to see Hernanes sneak in a header to double Brazil\'s advantage. Before half-time Gabon had their second chance, when goalkeeper Diego Alves saved a great shot by Pierre Aubameyang. After the break things continued much in the same way as Bruno Cesar created the first chance after four minutes with a long-range shot. And, nine minutes after the break Hulk was pushed in the box when he was facing the goalkeeper, but no penalty was awarded. With about half an hour remaining, Brazil coach Mano Menezes started the substitutions and the game lost its intensity. He sent on Alex Sandro, Kleber, Willian and Dudu before Bruno Cesar had one other chance that Ovono parried away for a corner-kick. As Brazil relaxed, Gabon became more of a threat as Aubameyang and Daniel Cousin searched for a goal, but they never were able to put a dent in Brazil\'s run to victory.