Andre Schurrle\'s late goal secured ten-man Bayer Leverkusen a hard-earned 2-2 draw at Borussia Monchengladbach to leave the hosts five points behind Bundesliga leaders Bayern Munich. Stefan Reinartz gave Bayer the lead after 20 minutes before Marco Reus equalised in the 65th minute. The visitors went a man down after 68 minutes as Gonzalo Castro was shown the red card. Patrick Herrmann pushed Gladbach ahead 2-1 after 72 minutes, but Schurrle equalised in the 87th minute. Gladbach improved to 17 points while Bayer - who have lost just once against Gladbach in the last 29 matches - moved to 14 points. The visitors took the lead in the 21st minute with Michael Ballack heading on to the far left post, where Reinartz had space to strike the ball past Marc Andre ter Stegen. Gladbach had their chances as well, with Mike Hanke hitting the crossbar in the 37th minute and then Reus shooting just wide of the right-hand post two minutes later. Goals start going in Bernd Leno made an outstanding save in the 42nd minute to deny Reus and then Hanke shot wide in a one-on-one situation after 57 minutes. Gladbach finally equalised in the 65th minute as Juan Arango sent a long ball over the Bayer defence and picked out the run of Reus, who rounded Leno and chipped in. Bayer went a man down three minutes later when Castro was red-carded for insulting the linesman. Gladbach used the man advantage and took the lead after 72 minutes, with Arango sending a long looping ball to Herrmann, who had a one-on-one situation with Leno and looped his shot over the goalkeeper for the 2-1 lead. Bayer equalised with three minutes to play as Schurrle turned from the left side towards the middle and struck into the top right corner.