Lyon are now six points behind Ligue 1 leaders Paris Saint-Germain after they fell to a 2-1 defeat at Sochaux. An Aly Cissokho own goal and a Ryan Boudebouz penalty two minutes from half-time scored either side of a Lyon equaliser by Alexandre Lacazette saw Remi Garde\'s side go down to their fourth successive away defeat. The hosts went ahead in the first meaningful action of the game, Boudebouz sent in a corner from the right which Jimmy Briand failed to clear at the near post to take Cissoko by surprise as the ball hit his foot and went into his own net. Lyon levelled five minutes later in the 14th minute when Bafetimbi Gomis led a speedy counter-attack down the right before releasing the ball into the area, Lacazette arriving at the ball before Sebastien Corchia and heading home. The hosts almost regained the lead when Cedric Bakambu\'s shot was deflected by Anthony Reveillere to miss the target by inches. Briand fired narrowly over for Lyon before Boudebouz curled a shot narrowly wide. However, moments later the same player won a penalty after being fouled by Cissokho, Boudebouz stepping up himself to send a powerful shot down the middle of the goal for a 2-1 half-time lead. Sochaux had the first effort following the break, Bakambu lobbing narrowly over before Lyon enjoyed a sustained period of pressure. Teddy Richert was tested, blocking Lacazette\'s shot from the right of the area, Cissoko curled a right-footed shot into the side-netting before the home goalkeeper denied Gomis, deflecting his powerful drive with his feet. Hugo Lloris then denied Sloan Privat\'s shot as Sochaux condemned Lyon to another defeat.