Slovan Privat came off the bench to earn Sochaux a 2-2 draw away to reigning champions Lille. Lille led twice through Benoit Pedretti and Eden Hazard, but had Mathieu Debuchy sent off while Cedric Bakambu levelled before fellow replacement Privat equalised in the 86th minute. Sochaux had the first real chance after nine minutes when Rio Mavuba\'s sloppy back pass to Mickael Landreau led to the goalkeeper panicking and stabbing the ball towards Edouard Butin. Butin flicked the ball to Marvin Martin who lobbed Landreau, only for Franck Beria to scramble back and chest the ball to safety. After a lull in play Lille took control. In the 20th minute Pedretti released Hazard and he in turn found Joe Cole, whose curling effort was not far away. Three minutes later Moussa Sow worked well to free Hazard for a right-footed shot which went inches wide of the left post. Cole was involved again when he fed Sow, whose shot forced Teddy Richert into a punch. In the 34th minute, David Sauget half-cleared the ball and Sow smashed a shot which was cleared off the line. Lille were frustrated, but upped the pressure four minutes after the break. Sow had a shot blocked, but it rebounded to Hazard, who controlled nicely and set up Pedretti for an easy header. Six minutes later, though, Debuchy was dismissed for a terrible challenge on Carlao, who suffered a suspected broken leg as a result. In the 67th minute, Martin took on two defenders and sent a shot slightly wide and three minutes later the visitors were level. Substitute Bakambu was the scorer as Martin worked well with Ryad Boudebouz, who dribbled nicely before flicking for Bakambu to volley home. Sochaux had another chance when Martin crossed for Camara and in the 78th minute Lille were back in front from the penalty spot. Damien Perquis fouled Hazard, who got up to take the kick and sent Richert the wrong way. Sochaux snatched an equaliser four minutes from time, however. Boudebouz led a superb counter-attack, released Martin on the right and he found Privat to beat Landreau.