Hamburg were a man down for 68 minutes, but were still able to collect a point and their third straight draw, finishing 1-1 with Kaiserslautern. Hamburg saw Slobodan Rajkovic get sent off after 22 minutes and Kaiserslautern went ahead to make it 1-0 in the 38th minute through Pierre De Wit before Jose Paolo Guerrero equalised in the 68th minute. Hamburg have had two straight Bundesliga draws as well as victory over Eintracht Trier in the DFB-Pokal in their first three games under new head coach Thorsten Fink. Although they are still searching for their first home win in ten matches, Hamburg have moved to 16th with nine points while Kaiserslautern are 13th with 12 points. Hamburg went a man down after just 22 minutes as Rajkovic saw red for his elbow to the head of Kaiserslautern captain Christian Tiffert. The guests used the man advantage to take the lead after 38 minutes. Olcay Sahan crossed from the right to Konstantinos Fortounis, who laid it back for De Wit to hit home a fierce shot from the edge of the area. Hamburg nearly equalised just two minutes later, but Marcell Jansen\'s strike from 27 yards struck the upper right corner of the framework. Kaiserslautern also had a chance at the 40-minute mark, but Hamburg goalkeeper Jaroslav Drobny was able to push Fortounis\' shot, which had been deflected by a Hamburg defender, over the bar. Hamburg appeared to equalise after 58 minutes ,but Guerrero was ruled to have handled the ball before scoring on the counter attack. The Peruvian got his equaliser six minutes later, though, heading home Gokhan Tore\'s cross from the right side for his first goal since February. Kaiserslautern nearly went ahead again with eight minutes to play, but Mathias Abel\'s header hit the bar. Tiffert shot just wide left of the near left post in the first minute of stoppage time in the final chance of the game.