Ahly midfielder Mohamed Abou-Treika joined Wednesday trainings after he was examined and rehabbed from the knee injury he sustained during Smoha’s 4-0 friendly win on Monday. “Treika’s participation in the training proves that he will play the league opener against Haras El-Hodoud,” reads a statement on the Red Devils’official website. The Cairo giants’ star, Mohamed Barakat continued his rehab program as he suffers an arm injury he picked during a training session. “Barakat will be in a rehab program for 14 days before he can be able to join his teammates’ trainings,” Ahly’s doctor, Ehab Saleh said. Under the hems of Portuguese manager, Manuel Jose,  Ahly are bidding for thier eighth successive Egyptian League to please their fans after they exited two championships last month, Egypt Cup and Africa Champions League.