Lowly Emirates Club rode on a double from striker Modibo Diarra to stun Al Ahli 2-1 last night, while a gritty ten-man Dubai Club took a hard-earned 1-1 draw against Al Shabab in the 13th week of the Etisalat Pro League. Visiting Dubai Club matched their opponents despite being reduced to ten men in the 83rd minute, when Ali Mahmoud was shown his second yellow card. They fought well and were duly rewarded when substitute Hassan Mohammad connected with a diving header in the 68th minute to cancel out Carlos Villanueva's opener that came in the 16th minute. Al Shabab only have themselves to blame for the two dropped points, but somehow luck didn't seem to be in their favour as they just could not find their way into the Dubai goal for a second time. Meanwhile, in distant Ras Al Khaimah, Al Ahli's miseries continued — this time when they sank to a Diarra-inspired Emirates. Diarra opened the score through a penalty in the 36th minute, before the same player added a second with a well-placed shot five minutes later. Brazilian striker Graffite pulled one back for the visitors with another penalty in the 77th minute. The point Al Shabab earned ensured they continue to sit in fourth place in the league with 21 points, behind Al Ain (27), Al Nasr (24) and Al Jazira (23), while Emirates continued their recent resurgence to climb into tenth with ten points.                          From gulfnews