Sports TV across the GCC countries have shifted their attention to Bahrain as their respective equipment are being shipped to Manama ahead of tournament kick-off next Saturday. A special high-tech vehicle from Kuwait Sports Channel is provided to cover the tournament, according to head of the working staff and director at the channel, Mohammed Al Tanni. Al Tanni affirmed that the working team includes more than 40 staff, which will be distributed across different locations and roles to cover the events on a daily basis as the channel will be at the heart of the event. The media staff of the channel includes the famous ex-midfielder of Kuwait team Moaied Al Haddad, Ali Marwi, Abdul Aziz Al Hajri and coach of Kuwait Abdul Latif Al Rashdan, while in the studio will be Mohammed Bu Krees and Nader Karam and the famous commentator Khalid Al Harban. The media delegation of Kuwait will be accompanied by Kuwait channel\'s foreign affairs representative Abdulla Husain. Dubai Sports Channel announced the programmes that will be broadcasted during the upcoming tournament. \'Delmon 21\' will be the main show on its channel, which will be broadcasted on a daily basis from 12noon to 3.30pm. The progamme will be presented by a number of famous media staff, including Hasan Habib, Ahmed Joka, Ahmed AL Hori and Munther Al Muzki. The show will mainly provide the full reportage on all eight teams taking part in this much-awaited regional gathering. Director- General of the channel Rashid Amiri unveiled the nature of the progrmmes that will be exclusive and unique in its contents.Source : BNa