Al Ittihad thrashed Persepolis 3-0 at Prince Abdullah al-Faisal stadium in Jeddah on Wednesday evening. Naif Hazazi put Al Ittihad ahead with a 35th minute penalty. Persepolis had an opportunity to cut the deficit Eamon Zayed but he hit the crossbar with a header. Shoddy defensive work by the Reds helped Faouzi Abdelghni to double the home side\'s lead on the stroke of half-time. In the second half, Persepolis players continued with their clumsy game, giving away a free-kick, minutes left to the end. Persepolis keeper Asmir Avdukic managed to save the powerful free kick, however, the Tigers midfielder Abdoh Autef was quick on the rebound and tucked the ball away for Al Ittihad\'s third two minutes from time.