The organizers of Algeria’s first ball freestyle championship, due to take place on June 29-30 in Algiers, expect this event to be “great success” and seek to promote it in Algeria in the next two or three years. “Two objectives have been set for this first ball freestyle championship, namely the promotion of this sport in Algeria and giving the opportunity to young freestylers to reveal their skills,” the event’s organizer Karim Chaib said told Monday a press conference in Algiers. This first-ever event of its kind in Algeria will be held at Bab Ezzouar shopping mall in Algiers and will be marked by a large participation of candidates in the qualifying round, according to Chaib. Several videos of freestylers, who seek to be finalists, were posted on the Facebook page of the event’s organizers. “The number of videos we received for the tests of football freestyle and basketball freestyle is really significant, we really didn’t expect all it,” Chaib said.