The Syrian team of women cyclists on Tuesday won the first place in the race against the clock within the first day's competitions of the Arab Cycling Championship held in Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt. The Syrian cyclists won the 20 km race in a time of one hour and 36 seconds. Mohammad al-Khudr, Secretary of Cyclists Union, said in a statement to SANA that the women cyclists team is one of the strongest Arab teams and has been the gold medal holder over the past three years on the Arab level. The Syrian women cyclists participating in the Championship which last till October 31st are Siba al-Ra'ie, Sahab Ghaibour, Umaima Naiyouf, Maha Hassan, Jiyana Zein-Eddin and Maisaa Uweid. The men cyclists team who will starts race against the clock on Wednesday includes Omar Hassanein, Sleiman Habash, Fadi Shaikhouni, Hazem al-Hussein, Ahmad Badr-Eddin Wais and Mohammad Abdul-Baset.