World cycling chief Pat McQuaid on Saturday ruled out an amnesty for riders who took performance-enhancing drugs during their careers. McQuaid was speaking a day after the International Cycling Union (UCI) adopted a motion at their annual Congress here to focus on the anti-doping effort in order to provide a clean environment for the next generations of riders. The Irishman said however that they would not be setting up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission at which riders could admit to their doping pasts in order to clean up the sport for the future. \"The UCI Steering Committee discussed the possibility of an operation similar to what South Africa knew at the end of apartheid with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission,\" said McQuaid. \"The conclusion was that it would first be inappropriate to take any action while the USADA/Armstrong affair is underway and, in addition, the Global Code does not provide for any amnesty. \"We\'re not at all in the same situation as in South Africa and the idea was abandoned.\" McQuaid said the UCI were still awaiting a report from the US Anti-Doping Agency into the alleged doping record of American Lance Armstrong, whom the USADA has branded a drug cheat. USADA said last month that Armstrong would be banned for life and his results since 1998 -- including seven Tour de France titles won from 1999-2005 -- would be expunged due to \"numerous\" alleged violations. McQuaid said that after receiving the final USADA verdict the UCI would have 21 days to take a decision. \"Except if the examination of the documents should reveal an important problem, the UCI has no intention of appealing (before the Court of Arbitration for Sport) but we need to check,\" he said. McQuaid, who has been UCI chief since 2005, also announced his candidacy for a new four-year term with the fight against doping his priority. \"A real doping culture existed which we are in the process of stamping out but we need time,\" he added.