Professor of Political Science Adnan Abu Amer

Professor of Political Science Adnan Abu Amer said that there is no accuracy in what is being discussed about Salafist threats to fire rockets at Israel, saying that the latest bombing witnessed in Rafah are considered messages to both Egypt and Israel that the Jihadi movements are still exist.
He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that it is not necessary for the Gaza Strip to witness military escalation between Hamas and Salafist movements during the coming period, saying that Hamas does not need to wage such a war during the current period.
He stressed that the Salafist groups in the Gaza Strip reached clear agreements with Hamas during the latest years, adding that they have not violated their commitments yet since then. He added that the latest incident witnessed in Rafah was exceptional and will not lead to any escalations.
In the same context, Abu Amer said that what is being circulated about Qatar's response to the demands of the Palestinian Authority to stop building the ambassador's residence in Gaza is leaked information from the media, not official sources, while he did not clarify whether Doha decided to abandon Hamas or not.
He said that it is not known if there have been any understandings between President Abbas and Qatar at last, this issue is still a secret and cannot be talked about until official authorization from any responsible Palestinian or Qatari sources.
He added, “As long as Egypt has not issued a formal statement on a specific date for the opening of Rafah crossing, I think that the rest of the parties will be for local consumption, and to try to send messages reassuring to the Palestinian street and try to calm their thoughts and ease the resentment caused by the closure."
He continued that  media blockade must be imposed on all media statements issued in this regard without any political document or official Egyptian agreement